Thursday, January 25, 2007

Week One

Help me! Technology is...TERRIFYING! I feel like I've landed in a foreign country knowing only how to say hello and goodbye in the native language.
I have gone through the WebCT and I honestly don't know if I read everything I was supposed to read. Every time I go back to it, I find something new or different. I feel very overwhelmed. I printed out as much of the course as I could and put all the information in a 3 ring binder--so far it hasn't helped me!
I get through each trying moment by saying any one or all of the following: "I'll just drop the course", "What's the worst that can happen? I fail it and take it over with much more knowledge", "I cannot be the least computer savvy person to have ever taken this class" and, my favorite, "In 3 months this will all be over-there is light at the end of the tunnel!".
Now that I've vented for this week, I'll attempt a look at the positive side. I actually have a web page and a blog, albeit designed with a lot of help!

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